Tim Dominik Maurer

Tim Dominik Maurer

Postdoctoral Researcher

NHH Norwegian School of Economics


I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the NHH Norwegian School of Economics. My research focuses on macroeconomics, public economics, and labor economics. I have a PhD in Economics from the Copenhagen Business School.

I am also a Research Fellow at the Pension Research Centre (PeRCent).

Download my CV.

  • Macroeconomics
  • Public Economics
  • Labor Economics
  • PhD in Economics, 2023

    Copenhagen Business School

  • MSc in Economics and Finance, 2018

    Copenhagen Business School

  • BSc in Economics, 2015

    University of Zurich


I look forward to presenting at the Oslo Macro Conference on August 23, 2024!

I have substantially revised my PhD chapter, in which I conduct a careful cost-benefit analysis of the social welfare effects of annuitization. The latest version can be found here.

In the fall, I will teach parts of the course Pension Economics at Copenhagen Business School. Sign up if you have the chance!

Working Papers

Population Aging, Public Finances, and Alternatives for Retirement Reform (Draft)

joint with Frederik Bjørn Christensen

Social Welfare Effects of Annuitization in Small Open Economies (Draft)


Technical work

A toolkit for solving overlapping generations models with family-linked bequest and intergenerational skill transmission (Github)

joint with Frederik Bjørn Christensen


Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume 136, 102866, 2023

joint with Thomas Nitschka

Work in Progress

Inequality in Longevity and Redistribution in Public Pension Schemes

joint with Frederik Bjørn Christensen

A Suitable Labor Market for Older Workers: Disentangling Supply and Demand Factors (tentative title)

joint with Max Groneck and Johanna Wallenius

Retirement Age Increase under Public Means-tested and Occupational Pensions (tentative title)

joint with Frederik Bjørn Christensen, Svend Erik Hougaard Jensen, and Thorsteinn S. Sveinsson


Pension Economics, 2023, 2022

Copenhagen Business School, Full Degree Master, Link to course

Computational Macroeconomics, 2021

Iowa State University, University of Kansas, PhD-level, Link to course

Financial Econometrics, 2018

Copenhagen Business School, Msc Advanced Economics and Finance

Applied Econometrics, 2017

Copenhagen Business School, Msc Applied Economics and Finance


On my GitHub page, I share lectures and sample code on how to solve and estimate life cycle models with overlapping generations.